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My Foods List

I added a few foods to the diary that I found in MFP. Those foods were added from something that was in MFP but I found a 'better option' to use from the MFP logos. Why can't I delete the food(s) that I no longer want on MY Foods list? When I try to delete, it states that it is part of the database and I can't! I don't want to delete any MFP data, just want to use something that is a better option for me and be able to look back and consistently use the option that I'm comfortable with. BETTER YET - get rid of some of the duplication found in the nutritional log(s)
2 votes

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    edited August 17
    If the items you want to delete have been used in diary pages, it may not be possible to delete them without disrupting referential integrity in the database, or some other technical concern.

    If that's not a familiar term ("referential integrity"), it has to do with technically needing database entries in one area to link to value entries in another area. If the food details are in the Foods list, and only a linking value is stored in the diary, the Foods list item wouldn't be eligible for deletion until all the uses in your diary are deleted (or in other people's diaries, if the foods were shared as public in the food database).

    That may not be it, but it's one possible explanation.

    P.S. I don't work for MFP, but my career included database design kind of stuff.