Am I over training??

I have been lifting 50 pounds twice a day within 6 hours of each workout along with calisthenics. Which are mostly AB workouts with light walking for cardio on my rest days.

Am I over training? Each session is about an hour, two times a day. I do 4 reps of 10 when I lift. I’m attempting to bulk for body building and have worked my way up in weight training. Before I could barely lift 8 pounds but now I’m able to lift 60 within 4 months of training at home. I take two days off in the week sometimes three.

Any advice? Or should I keep going?


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,726 Member
    edited August 19
    I'm not a huge expert on bodybuilding, but from what I've read, muscle heals/grows during recovery and you need two days between workouts (of the same muscles). training the same muscles every day isn't recommended, so twice a day even less I would presume.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,133 Member
    What kind of lift
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,774 Member
    edited August 19
    What is your total volume of working sets per muscle group per week, and what split?

    Because it sounds like:

    a) You're doing too much, which may potentially be junk volume.
    b) Twice in a day of the same muscle group? If so, that's not a good idea.

    You may need a deload week, As a beginner lifter, you probably shouldn't, but if you're pushing too hard then maybe that's what you need. When I do a deload week I do a couple of full body workouts three days apart, about half the usual sets per muscle group, and with about 60% of the usual weight and at most the usual number of reps.

    Note that as a beginner lifter you also don't need to train to failure. 1-3 reps away will give good results without adding the fatigue.