
Hey there! This is not my first go around with my fitness pal. 😉 I have had success in the past, and hoping to keep the momentum this time. I am 40 and Mom of 4 and grandmother of 2. I love exercising but I love eating too! I have trouble losing weight because I think I over eat and am always hungry. I am trying to go plant based, and cutting out most meat, which I never enjoyed anyhow, but am worried the carbs will make it difficult to lose weight. Plus not be satiated with the protein. Any suggestions?!


  • capgordon76
    capgordon76 Posts: 148 Member
    Hey there plant based diets are ok the food is tasty it's more like trail and error I like to do intermittent fasting seems to work well my shifts at work
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,856 Member
    Welcome back!

    Carbs by themselves are not what will decide if you gain or lose weight...what matters are the calories consumed. You need to track the calories of what you eat, compared against the calories you burn between exercise plus simply living (breathing, digestion, metabolism, walking around the house, etc).

    You do need protein in your life, and if you want to live without meat it will take a little more effort and information to ensure you get enough protein. Fortunately, this thread was created to share a ton of information on protein content, including non-meat sources:
