Got a suggestion on how to improve MyFitnessPal? Share it in this category or vote to tell us what you think of other people’s suggestions. Please be sure to review the Feature Suggestion submissions guidelines.

Allow reordering of food items in a meal

I would like to click and drag a food item within a meal. Right now, when you add a food item to a meal, it is automatically added to the bottom of the list. The same thing happens if you change the serving size of a food item within a meal. It would be nice if you could click and drag food items within a meal, so you can put them in a specific order.

I use MyFitnessPal not only to track my food, but also as a recipe when I’m cooking. I like having the food items in the order they need to be added when I’m cooking. It’s a waste of time to have to click on every item and send them all to the bottom of the list in a specific order. If we could click and drag food items, within the meal, it would be so much easier. The same goes for when creating meals. We need a click and drag option.
2 votes

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