From Fit to Fat.

Hi Everyone!
Just signed up today. I am Juliana and I live in rural TN.
I used to be a fitness and health fanatic. For my whole life I was fit, toned, worked out 2x a day and was anal about everything I ate.
In sunmmer 2016, I had 4 major traumas in my life and fell apart. Than I got sick and ended up in bed 22/7. For the last 6 years!! My weight went from 136 to 255. I have lost my ability to walk without taking a break every 20 steps. I am always short of breath, have heart and lung issues, GERD, a hiatal hernia, and some muscle atrophy in my arms and shoulders. I have chronic pain and Drs look at me like "Well, your 61, morbidly obese, get no exercise and have 1 foot in the grave. What do you expect us to do?"
And they are right if they think that.
So, I am here to get support and motivation in helping me achieve my goal of losing weight so I can exercise again. Lose weight while slowly increasing exercise. 6 years is not long, but I went from fit and healthy to morbidly obese and very sick in those years.
It's time to save my own life.


  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I am so sorry that you have been going through all of this. I would recommend just starting to log the foods that you eat, to understand the calorie count as well as the nutritional information. Since you have physical concerns, you might ask one of your doctors to give a referral for you to see a physical therapist. They would be able to start you off with easier exercises. Also, there are videos on the Internet, showing different exercises, even doing some of them while sitting in a chair. Good luck.