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Coach account and login

Hi. I train for more than 20 hours a week for triathlon. I send my nutrition coach screenshots of the diary once per week. It would be great if one could create a "Coach Account" that has insight into the whole diary.
2 votes

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  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,557 Member
    If you become friends you can share your diary and they can check whatever you’re eating when they want. I did it with my coach originally.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    I agree with claireychn074 that the ideal route would be having your coach get an account (or creating one for them and giving them the password), becoming MFP friends, and sharing your diary with friends, or with a key.

    If your coach doesn't want to do that, then there may be an alternative to screenshots. I assume you're doing a day at a time in screenshots. Even in free MFP, you should be able to go into the web browser version of MFP, scroll to the bottom of your diary, and click on "view full report". On the resulting page, you can change the date range to a full week (or month), then save the result as a PDF, which you could then email to your coach.