I'm not planning on using this, it's interesting though

I went to the library yesterday and was browsing through the nutrition/exercise books and picked up "the perfect body diet" from womens health. Now normally I would have passed by it, the title conjures up unattainable goals, but I really like womens health magazine so I figured I'd give it a shot. I really like the book and it serves the old saying that you can't judge a book by it's cover because it's message isn't about dieting, it's about changing your life and your attitude about food. It's also full of useful information in an easy to read way. Throughout the book the soluble fiber of glucommanan is talked about as a way to remain fuller, longer, thus promoting weight loss. I did some extra research (webmd etc) and it seems interesting. It's not something I'm looking to try anytime soon (I'd rather adjust to hunger the proper way) but I was wondering if anyone else has come across this? It isn't touted as a diet pill or quick fix, it's a derivitive of the konjac plant used to feel fuller longer. Just interested to hear about experiences and such, I love research haha


  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i think it makes sense, seeings how fiber makes one fuller for longer (generally speaking)

    but i think unless one is already deficient in fiber (maybe the target market of the book) then it doesn't make much sense to add more... does that even make sense?

    so people who eat a lot of processed foods (already half processed, the body can just move it about to where it "needs" to go instead of working at it) may need some fiber to "bulk up" so that they don't continue to eat too much while they're making steady slow changes in their overall diet.

    i mean, if you tell someone who eats fast food 3x a day to suddenly start to cook at home every day, prepare a menu, etc.. they'd look at you sideways and head right back to the drive thru.

    so if it's a way to give a person more fiber in the interim, i think it's an interesting idea; the bulk of your fiber should come from your food, though.. and use things like psyllium husks / fiberone / etc for supplements on days you can't get enough.
  • letsdothis2010
    letsdothis2010 Posts: 190 Member
    Interesting point, I definately think it would be good for that. The part I forgot to mention was that you add it to your food, it's not a pill. By adding it that way it prolongs the absorbtion and you stay fuller they claim.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i think that's the same thing with psyllium husks... a friend of mine uses it sometimes (not for weight loss, but for nutrition). some people mix it with water to have a fiber drink.. but it's not my bag. i would use it if i were having stomach issues (diarrhea or constipation) but otherwise i personally prefer to eat prunes or an apple or whatever.. there's nothing wrong with fiber powders, i don't think. it might be good to add to breads, though.. i sometimes add wheat germ for that reason.