Friends with l4-l5

Hello there,

I am devs, 33-yr old female and I reside in Singapore. I am the mother of 2 young boys. I have disc prolapse - l3-l4-l5.

I want to introduce myself here hoping to make friends who can support me and encourage me to lose weight and better still take this journey with me to lose weight together.

To tell you more about myself : I am overweight and have been trying to lose weight since a year now . I have a sweet tooth and I tend to eat lots of sweets even though I am not hungry. I start off on a diet but easily fall off the wagon.
Since I have disc prolapse I am very scared to do weights or other strenuous cardio activities. I only do brisk walking about 3 times a week and stretching exercise prescribed by my physiotherapist for my back pain.

So I want to hear some inspirational stories and exercise tips from people with similar problems like me - sweet tooth, l4-l5.
If anyone is out there just like me, let's be friends and take this journey together.

Cheers, devs