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Data entry -> Tag multiple days for a meal

Every week, I log my breakfast food and it's the same food that I copy from the week before. I have my meals saved but I simply copy what I had last week to the next week and that's it. Here's my typical week, only Sunday remains a single in my case:

Sunday - Breakfast - French toasts
Monday-Wednesday-Friday - Breakfast - Overnight oats
Tuesday - Breakfast - egg sandwich with eggs
Thursday-Saturday - Breakfast - egg sandwich with egg whites

Smart Copy won't work here since it takes the day before.

If there were a way to use the "Copy to date" feature but tag multiple dates, that would save me a good chunk of time every week.

If I place myself on Monday 26 August 2024 and I click copy to date from the Breakfast meal. I would flag Monday 2 September 2024, Wednesday 4 September 2024, and Friday 6 September 2024.
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