First Goal Met - 45 Pounds

I admit it. I've gained and lost and gained and lost and gained and lost weight all my life. I could probably make a living at it!! Every time I've lost weight though, it was *NOT* the right way. Always with pills, shots ... always some "quick fix" that never worked and / or never lasted.

Finally I buckled down after dealing with a myriad of nuisances (migraines, being tired, not allowing photos to be taken, putting my singing career on the back burner because I DON'T WANT TO STAND UP IN FRONT OF PEOPLE AND SING looking the way I look, etc. etc.). I started out with joining a gym (for the umpteen millionth time). I did my normal elliptical, treadmill, bicycle, etc. and never glanced at the weights. Then I read that Snapfitness has a free session with a trainer. Ok. Why not?? I met with the trainer who taught me how to use the machines CORRECTLY. He was very supportive and very encouraging. THAT was a big change from what I've dealt with in the past. He set up a "routine" for me, which I followed diligently. Every morning, at the gym at 4:30 am. I tried tweaking the program at first but I figured he knew what he was talking about so I left it as it was and followed it as he laid it out to begin with.

However .... My eating didn't change much. I started looking into eating clean and got with a nutritionist to set up an eating plan for me. It was a little difficult at first but once I got into a routine, it was pretty easy to follow. I would make my food on Sunday and have it for the week. No excuses!!! Once I overhauled my eating, THAT'S when it all changed!!!!!!!!

So my trainer/nutritionist set up a program for me and I've stayed with it. With my exercise routine, I increase my incline on the treadmill each week (and my speed) and also increase the weight on the machines each week. I'm so surprised at how much stronger I am and that I've been keeping up with this but also that I actually ENJOY getting up at 4:30 am to go to the gym.

So, there's no big story here. Just a gal who has been through the ringer with a previous abusive husband and that gal ate and ate to fill a void. I've always had a pretty unhealthy relationship with food and am an emotional eater. I've had some emotional issues these past couple of months and yet I didn't turn to food to fix anything. That in and of itself was a BIG STEP for me. I have a wonderful husband now, great kids (who have their moments but what kids don't). I struggle but I am proud of what I've accomplished and what I continue to strive for!

So here is where I am now. 45 pounds lighter and now I am to maintain for the next 6 weeks and focus on strength and toning. I'm a little skittish about upping my calories to maintain but I know that I can handle this and it's teaching me what my body will and won't respond to!! So mid-October, I'll be overhauling my eating again and back on the "weight loss eating plan" for a couple of months and then back to maintenance just in time for the holidays!! At that point, I'll see how much I have lost total (pounds AND inches) and will reassess after the New Year.



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