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DSAR Requests

If I make a request under DSAR rules can I get all the old personal blog information back from my posts on here?

Really upset to have lost that journaling and want my information so I can move on to another platform. Had years of journaling that I’m devastated to have lost.

Any help much appreciated
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  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,743 Member
    If I make a request under DSAR rules can I get all the old personal blog information back from my posts on here?

    Really upset to have lost that journaling and want my information so I can move on to another platform. Had years of journaling that I’m devastated to have lost.

    Any help much appreciated

    I don’t work for MFP and you’d be better to raise a support request directly and see what they say. The problem with SAR is that data protection law varies in different countries, and the info a company legally has to keep is mostly financial / proof for stuff like GDPR (ie what someone has consented to). Data logs aren’t usually classed as data which has to be kept so could well have been deleted when the blog side was deleted. You might be able to find out more if you can find the DP statement (do US companies have to publish their privacy statement / PIA?) that would give the info about what data they keep and for how long.