What is the strangest thing your pet eats?



  • jdsouthernbelle
    The WEIRDEST thing my dog eats is Q-Tips...literally the cotton ends off the Q-Tips. Ewwww!

    But she LOVES Pizza, French Fries & Bananas too!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    My dogs like watermelon, apples (sometimes), green beans, sugar snap peas, carrots (cooked only). My puppy (7 mos) is a garbage disposal. She will eat anything except I gave her a piece of raw potato that she didn't eat. She particularly likes dirty socks, dirty underwear and used feminine products from the wastebasket. :noway:
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Our dog loves apples, but yesterday when I was gone she helped herself to a packet of banana nut oatmeal? I couldn't believe she ate the whole thing..dry too! Later on I found another sealed packet on the couch..guess she was saving it for dessert :laugh:
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    She particularly likes dirty socks, dirty underwear and used feminine products from the wastebasket. :noway:

    :devil: Mine does that too :blushing: and then runs and hides under a bed when you try to take something off him :mad: lol

    My last dog used to love brussell sprouts! Loved most (dog suitable) veg to be fair but that was his favourite. Of my current two, our terrier won't accept vegetables at all, she's a meat/dogfood only kinda dog. Our poodle is a big fan of carrots and would eat your hand off for potato wedges the odd time they're around. Both LOVE cheese! Every poodle we've ever had loved their veggies though:huh: Strange thing is he's picky with dog treats!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I know it is the biggest cliche in the book but back in Australia, Mum has a kangaroo at home and she eats the strangest things haha. She loves cookies, especially anzac cookies and chocolate chip... also cheese and coffee (we don't offer her this of course, she tends to come stick her nose in the cup hahaha!) :laugh:
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    From time to time, my chihuahua mix , Bella, will help herself to treats from the cat box. I always know when she has been snacking when she comes around the corner into the living room licking her lips. So. Gross.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    My dogs like watermelon, apples (sometimes), green beans, sugar snap peas, carrots (cooked only). My puppy (7 mos) is a garbage disposal. She will eat anything except I gave her a piece of raw potato that she didn't eat. She particularly likes dirty socks, dirty underwear and used feminine products from the wastebasket. :noway:

    I guess they like the smell... girl dogs get periods just like humans so I'm sure it has something to do with that. Maybe the boy dogs are proud their "woman's" fertile so they like the smell and taste? Not sure.
    My cat eats any veggie she especially loves lettuce, argugala too! Oh and strawberrys and pretty much any fruit. But she won't eat any meat or cheese. Strange thing I ever heard of

    haha Your cat is a vegan!

    Our dog will eat anything except onions and garlic. He's eaten the top of one of my magic bullet cups because it had some shake left in it and he's eaten numerous wooden spoons that had leftover food on it.

    Growing up, we had a dog that would take bites out of raw potatoes and when my mom was on a diet and only eating egg whites, she would feed the yolks to our cats. They looved them.

    And my sister's cat won't eat tuna. WHAT?!?
  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    The dog I had growing up used to go for the used ladies' products (quite embarrassing when you're a teenager and have a friend over to have your dog come down with one of those in her mouth....). I've never given my current dog a chance to develop the taste--I now keep my garbage can under my sink, inside a door, so my dog can't get to it :-) My old dog also used to love to snack at the cat box, until we moved it where she couldn't get to it. I suspect a lot more dogs do those things than people realize. Just like a lot more of people's pet cats hunt and eat critters than we probably realize :-)
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    My kitties now are pretty normal but I used to have a very sweet cat that loved ranch salad dressing from Zaxby's. I'd have to open her a little pack every time. She didn't want the chicken, just ranch salad dressing.

    And I work with a lady whose kitty loves lettuce and has to have some every day.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    just saw this thread, so:
    2 kitties I had loved mangos, peas, and anything with mayo in it
    another desert wine or champangne (no beer:tongue: )
    my pup loves my coffee, now that I put vanilla almond milk in it!
  • Rachael
    Rachael Posts: 168 Member
    This is just too funny! Pets are hysterical. I have a Redbone Coon Hound - he'll eat anything. But he's not crazy about finishing raw carrots. He'll get started with them and then spit out little slobbery bits on the floor. LOL.

    He's got a stomach of steel, too. One day I was making dinner rolls from scratch and left them rising on the counter. He sneaked into the kitchen when I wasn't looking and ate 11 of the 12 unbaked rolls. Yes, 11 dough balls! And didn't get sick at all.

    Right now, he's trying to eat his tail...sigh.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    My dogs like watermelon, apples (sometimes), green beans, sugar snap peas, carrots (cooked only). My puppy (7 mos) is a garbage disposal. She will eat anything except I gave her a piece of raw potato that she didn't eat. She particularly likes dirty socks, dirty underwear and used feminine products from the wastebasket.
    Good thing the dog didn't eat the raw potato. Raw potato is not a good thing for dogs to eat. Cooked is just fine. Baked or boiled rather than fries (fat and salt are bad for Fido as well as us:bigsmile: ) As for the feminine products--my Lhasa has a weakness for pantyliners so I have to dispose of carefully.
    Dogs eating their own poo or others is something to be avoided. If they are eating their own, you can get a supplement to put in their food that will stop them from doing so. They eat cat feces because cat food is higher in protein and the cat excrement is higher in protein, which is what the dog is going after. Eating anybody's poo is a good practice to STOP as your dog can catch illnesses from it--ie if the other animal had parasites.....well...you get the idea.

    Our dog will eat anything except onions and garlic.

    Onions are another thing to AVOID. Eating onions can actually create a poison that goes into the blood and can be fatal in large enough doses.
    Grapes and raisins are also not good for your dog. A single serving of raisins can kill. A large enough quantity of chocolate can kill. A lesser amount of chocolate can produce vomiting that is REALLY a challenge to get off the living room carpet.

    My Yorkie is part goat:noway: :laugh: :laugh: --will eat anything that isn't dog food--given the chance. He got into the chocolate covered blueberries while I was out. He is also part acrobat, so he managed to knock them off a high counter. Anyway, the aftermath of that kept me busy for quite a while. Fortunately, all he got out of it was a little gastrointestinal upset.

    Avocadoes are also poisonous to dogs, so if Fido likes chips--hold the guacamole!!!:noway:

    The sweetener in sugarless gum-Xylitol is very dangerous to animals-can lower blood sugar and can be fatal.

    Too much fat can cause pancreatitis, a very painful and serious illness.

    My Yorkie and my other two dogs, Shih tzu and Lhasa, LOVE bread and Orowheat sandwich thins. They also think that baby carrots make excellent doggie treats. The other night, they got hold of a serving of raw broccoli, and between them, they didn't leave a crumb!!:noway: Good thing I had some asparagus for ME!!

    These three are know, collectively, as "The Three Little Pigs"--since the Yorkie was good at finding any food in the house he could reach, until I re-arranged everything--and he always "shared" his booty with the others. Crackers, flax and soy chips from Trader Joes.

    My late Shih tzu (in my ticker) LOVED cooked carrots, broccoli, and he loved asparagus SOO much that one night when I had company for dinner and that was on the menu, he made such a fuss I had to go put him in my car in the garage so we could eat our dinner in peace!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: He also loved lettuce, preferring romaine to iceberg--proving even dogs know that romaine has more nutrition than iceberg!!:laugh:


    This is a fun thread, but I am a bit of a crusader about pet safety and health, so I am passing on a couple of links to websites that tell what "people foods" and other substances can harm your pet. Although I am focusing on dogs, if you have a cat, the websites are still worth checking out:





    Everyone enjoy your furry friends and let's keep them healthy, despite their desire to eat things they shouldn't!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Our loveable lab :heart: is a "raw broccoli" baby! Guess I should take a cue from him! :bigsmile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,722 Member
    One of my two Shelties has a big bowl of baby organic spinach every afternoon when I have my salad. The other one wants nothing to do with it.
  • Blossom01
    Blossom01 Posts: 658
    My Dog likes to eat grass but I heard it was good for their digestion system… He also likes peanut butter for some reason and will go crazy for some chocolate.

    My CAT loves avocados!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Bodi likes spicy food and apples. I had a dog once who ate anything. one embarrassing morning as she was doing her business, she pooped out a condom from the bathroom trash.:blushing: That prompted my second husband to get a vasectomy. :laugh:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,722 Member
    Bodi likes spicy food and apples. I had a dog once who ate anything. one embarrassing morning as she was doing her business, she pooped out a condom from the bathroom trash.:blushing: That prompted my second husband to get a vasectomy. :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • labreemike
    labreemike Posts: 91 Member
    my choc lab eats most anything even cleans out my toddlers potty chair if she gets there first hates bananas though
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My dog would quickly get tired of her dog food. When we would first get a new brand she would clean the bowl. Within several days, there would be some left over proceeding to a point where it looked like she barely touched it.

    My grandma had a chow that loved mcdonald's fries, but stuck up her nose to fries from anywhere else.

    My sister has three cats that my mom is taking car of. Every night they get treats and one of them knows where the treats are located. Every night he approaches the tall, skinny cupboard and he would take his one front clawless paw (he only has 3 legs) and pull the door open within a couple tries. Then he would just sit there and shift from staring at you to looking into the cupboard. If you closed the door, he would immediately reopen it and sit there until he got his treats.

    He and another one of the cats know when you are eating ice cream. They will come and stare at you and then try to get into your lap to get a little taste. When finished, my mom will let them lick out the bowl.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    As the "mother" of 4 cats - I see it all. One loves pretzels and chips, one loves corn on the cob, one licks the dried beer spills from the kegorator, one only eats "cat food"... A former cat loved yogurt - I had to save her spoonful or she would whine all day...