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Suggest foods normally eaten for that meal

I eat pretty much the same thing for breakfast every day - 1% milk, a certain brand of coffee creamer, a banana and one of about 5 cereals. It seems these things should be at the top of the suggestions when I am logging a breakfast. It's pretty easy to predict. It doesn't differentiate by meal when suggesting, and I am not going to eat fish and green beans for breakfast, even if I did have them for dinner recently.
1 votes

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,688 Member
    There's a setting where it will just show foods you've eaten for that meal.

    In phone/tablet MFP, you click on the "Most Recent" thingie, then you get the pop-up where you can change to look at just that meal, two steps as follows:



    In web MFP, it's here:


    Might I suggest another option? You could create a meal called "Usual Breakfast" (or whatever) with all of your items, log that daily. If you eat different cereals, you could either put all of them in the meal (since it's quick to delete the ones from your diary that you didn't eat that day), or put only the unvarying items in the meal, and log the cereal as a separate item.

    I have about 3 breakfasts I eat often, differing because of what my schedule/plans are each day. I have each one saved as a meal. I usually create a meal with the unvarying things, and add the unique ones as single items, but either way works. It's really quick. I like it. YMMV.