Did I gain back all the lost weight?

I started IF two weeks ago and managed to lose around 3.4lbs (SW:280 lbs, Height:5'7). I don't exercise yet but I try to count calories, make sure to maintain a 16 hour fasting window. Reduced my sugar intake to almost 0.

Today I was craving Taco Bell after awhile and ordered like 7 items of which I had 4. (I know, terrible.. should not have but it's PMS time and I have been under some stress). I weighed in at 276.5 lbs this morning and 280 again after the meal. I know some of that would have been water weight, but I can't help but wonder if all my weight loss is only water weight? Because every time I eat something salty and carb heavy the scale shows 280lbs.

Right now this 3.4 lbs , as piddly as it is is the only thing keeping me going. I was supposed to be down to <200lbs by December 26 for an upcoming wedding event, but I am still at my original weight. Now this weight gain really has me overthinking.


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,728 Member
    edited September 30
    PMS = hormonal water weight
    Taco bell = salt and carbs water weight

    Relax, try to be consistent and (especially) more patient: fat loss plays peekaboo on the scale, hiding behind daily fluctuations, sick with it for at one menstrual cycle, preferably two, before really evaluating if it's working.
    Focus on process goals (logging your food,...) rather than your weigh-ins.

    PS: you mention IF, reducing sugar... all of these things are irrelevant if your calorie intake is not putting you in a calorie deficit. Are you weighing and logging your food? Saying 'I try to count calories' makes it sound like there is room for improvement in that area?
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 976 Member
    Hi, thanks a lot for your response! Yes, I do make sure I am at the minimum in a 500 calorie deficit. I computed my TDEE for a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately have not started working out yet.
    I managed to notice 3.4 lbs weight loss as of this morning. Admittedly I have been weighing myself everyday, and it worries me that I probably only lost water weight and nothing else.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,728 Member
    Well, I would suggest a few things:
    - using a weight trending app like Libra (Android) or Happyscale (iOS): it will show you a weight trend line which (more or less) smooths out the daily fluctuations, giving you a better idea of how your weight is evolving
    - the scale doesn't tell the full story - I would recommend measuring yourself (or using a non stretchy item of clothing) as another way to check progress
    - and perhaps take progress pictures too (preferably in the same lighting and same clothes): even if you can't see the progress immediately yourself (our brains can be weird) you'll have proof afterwards

    But in any case, the first thing to do is to try to be more patient, it simply takes time to see progress :smile: All you can (and should) do is keep going and evaluate after 1 or 2 full menstrual cycles - worrying won't make weight-loss faster :smile: (if anything: stress can increase water retention :wink: )
  • FaZizzle
    FaZizzle Posts: 20 Member
    Celebrate the weight you lost! Like the others, salt and PMS both can make the scale go up temporarily. You've got this! That 3.4 pounds lost was earned!

    Why must you be under 200 pounds by December 26? That's really unrealistic, even if you were going extreme to lose weight. Over those 11 weeks, maybe a better goal is to get down to 265? You don't need the added pressure of a deadline IMO, and I promise you that you are beautiful at any weight. :smile: