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Saving Personal Recipes

I would like to be able to see my recipes (so I can recreate them) without having to go to edit recipe. It would be nice to be able to add cooking directions and notes and have it all saved together and have it open on a separate screen. As of now I have to write everything down separately. It’d be nice just to have it on this app. Love this app btw!
1 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 822 MFP Staff
    It is possible to duplicate a recipe from the website, if that is what you're looking to do. To do this:
    • Log into the website -
    • Click Food then Recipes
    • Find the recipe you would like to copy and select Copy
    • You'll be taken to the recipe editing screen where you should see (copy) at the end of the recipe title
    • Edit your Recipe and Save or Save & Log It

    In terms of seeing recipe instructions, tis is not a possibility at this time. That being said, our team will definitely consider adding this option as a future possibility!