How do you turn off cravings?

anxietyfairy Posts: 13 Member
I wanted KFC the other day, and couldn't stop thinking about it for like an hour straight. I ended up buying KFC. Sometimes it tastes great and really hits the spot, and sometimes- not so much.

What makes the cravings go away?

I've heard of having it anyway and fitting it around your calories, filling up on healthy food, waiting it out, or putting as many steps between you and food as possible (for example, go for a walk, ring a friend, have a nap, eat some fruit, drink some water, have an actual meal, read a book etc then decide if you still want the craving.)

It just seems like the cravings don't go away and I feel powerless. I'm wondering if I should go to overeaters anonymous but I don't really want to apologize to people for eating, and I still want to eat treats occasionally, so I'm not sure how that would work out.