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AutoConvert food Qty with all units

One of the most frustrating things for me when trying to food track is the scanning number of servings features. For example, if I scan some cheese which on the label is portioned in grams I do not have the option to choose I used 1/4 cup. I have to weigh or convert. I wish you had the option to choose any unit of measurement and add the number then the app auto convert to servings. Even if it was reduced options like cup, teaspoon, tablespoon, grams, pounds, milliliters - then you could use .25 for 1/4 cup.
1 votes

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  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,758 Member
    edited October 14
    But these conversions would vary from one food to the next - one cup of popcorn will have a very different weight from one cup of milk for example. MFP has no way of handling/knowing this. (not to mention that volume measurements are nonsensical in many cases, for example cheese - the volume will depend on how small or large the pieces are and/or how compressed the food is - the weight will be the same no matter how it's cut)