Want to gain 5-8 kgs in one month

Actualy i lost my 10 kg weight in some months can you please help me out in gaining atleast 4-5 kg weight in one month


  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,571 Member
    It’s probably fairly easy to put on 1kg per week by eating c1000 cals over your daily limit. You could do that with junk food, cream, sweets. By why would you want to? It will be fat, you’ll feel dreadful, your heart and body won’t thank you for it.

    Maybe try to gradually increase your weight in a healthier way?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,896 Member
    Not a good plan, unless it's literally what your doctor ordered for some reason. Fast loss isn't good, fast gain isn't good. Fast gain will be mostly fat, which isn't ideal. Better: Do some strength-challenging exercise, and gain weight slowly, encouraging most of the added weight to be muscle. That's a healthier idea.

    Men (under good conditions) can gain a couple of pounds of muscle per month. Women, more like a pound per month is more realistic, generally. Think about gaining at that rate, or maybe very slightly faster.