New to this

Really in need of some buddies to keep me on track!
my husband is thin and can eat whatever he wants without gaining a pound and its extremely hard eating the right foods around him.

SO any help is greatly appreciated!


  • spiderkacie
    spiderkacie Posts: 3 Member
    Add me if u want! The more friends the better!!!! No worries about being new this is an awesome way to start!!! ;)
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    Feel free to add me, I always try to stay positive :)
  • Beachtreasures
    Beachtreasures Posts: 143 Member
    Hi there! I know what it's like to have a husband that can eat anything and not gain a pound. I struggle with weight loss and he can eat all day:)
    Feel free to add me. Supportive friends make the difference.