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Bring back the timeline

Please consider bringing back the timeline that stated when people had lost weight, completed their diary or did exercise etc,
There is no way to congratulate others and help them along their journey now!
9 votes

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  • maligator618
    maligator618 Posts: 342 Member
    Please do! I miss being able to comment to post an update and see what my friends who are not in any of my current groups are doing!
  • Interbeing
    Interbeing Posts: 64 Member
    I agree, it was a wonderful forum to share both successes and challenges. I really miss the camaraderie that was developed with it. It was very motivating.
  • Tomorrow78
    Tomorrow78 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I really miss seeing how much weight I've lost on my home page on MFP website..... it's very disappointing.....Please bring it back
  • Tomorrow78
    Tomorrow78 Posts: 8 Member
    Today I have lost 10kg in 3 and half months, I feel so pleased with myself, it's disappointing there is no acknowledgement that I have done so......... just a boring old graph, and that doesn't even say so