Weight loss

Please guide me about weight loss i can lose weight round about 9 to 11 kg in 30 to 45 days, please give me the good workout plan and diet plan. My weight is 73 and my target weight is 63 to 65.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,760 Member
    My advice: Don't do it. Too extreme. You will dramatically increase risk of losing lean muscle alongside fat loss, potentially depress your immune system, possibly experience hair thinning/loss (usually shows up a few weeks down the road), risk other health conditions (like gallbladder problems) and more.

    Translating for other USA-ians like me, in rounded numbers, you weigh around 161 pounds, want to weigh around 139-143 pounds, and are proposing to lose around 20 to 24 pounds in 30-45 days, so (at the least extreme end of that) almost half a pound a day, or about 3 pounds a week.

    To lose at that rate, 1.4 to 2.6 kg per week, you need to burn on average around 1500-2860 calories more daily than you eat. I see that you're male, according to your profile. In the best case scenario, at 73kg, if you're young and quite active, you might burn 2500-2700 calories daily. So, to lose at those rates, you'd need to eat something on the order of zero to 1200 calories daily on average for 30-45 days while keeping that pretty high activity level.

    Not realistic, IMO. Not health-promoting.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,300 Member
    You can reach your target weight, but instead of 30 days, a more realistic time frame is in 20-30 weeks.