Too many workouts?

I don't think I'm working out too much, but I'm worried I've "committed" to too many types of workouts! I have a bootcamp with friends and a trainer on Wednesdays, I recently bought Turbo Jam, I have a gym membership, I use kettlebells and do other calisthenics at home. I'm a little overwhelmed by my options! I know repitition is key to building results, but I just don't see how I can fit these all in one week and repeat them enough for the "desired" results. Anyone know or can advise how to balance these workouts without burning myself out? Is once a week for each workout enough? Should I cycle them (Turbo Jam/kettlebell one week, gym class/kettlebell another)?
Thanks in advance for the help!


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    WOW! I'm exhausted reading that! I think it's good to have options because we all know when your body gets used to something you plateau. I think you need to just pick a few and stick with those for awhile. When you get bored with them, cause you will, throw in one of your other options. Or switch off every other week like you suggested. I definitely wouldn't try and fit all them in one week.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I think that no matter what you do, as long as you give it your best 30-60 minutes a day to exercise you WILL see results. But by doing all those different workouts you won't be able to credit one over another for your success.

    Well, you probably won't get bored :smile:
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    My instinct would be to cycle them... wait until you're at a bit of a plateau with one, then start something new so you can keep your body "confused" and continue to see results. The hard part with this plan is that you need to make sure you're maintaining what you've built with each workout type (ie. you don't want to lose the cardio fitness you've built doing one exercise while you're doing a different type). Cycling them would also help you stay focused on each one, which would probably be more efficient for you.

    Good luck, and good job for finding so many fun things to try!
  • KellieMcMurdy
    KellieMcMurdy Posts: 49 Member
    Sounds like you have an excellent array of choices ... I think I'd cycle them so you get to do them all but maybe go on a 10 or 14 day cycle instead of 7. Good luck!
  • laurenpence
    laurenpence Posts: 147
    Mix it up. Stick to your classes if you can but with all the other stuff then just switch it every two weeks. it will keep your body guessing which will help prevent you from hitting a plateau
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I don't think I'm working out too much, but I'm worried I've "committed" to too many types of workouts! I have a bootcamp with friends and a trainer on Wednesdays, I recently bought Turbo Jam, I have a gym membership, I use kettlebells and do other calisthenics at home. I'm a little overwhelmed by my options! I know repitition is key to building results, but I just don't see how I can fit these all in one week and repeat them enough for the "desired" results. Anyone know or can advise how to balance these workouts without burning myself out? Is once a week for each workout enough? Should I cycle them (Turbo Jam/kettlebell one week, gym class/kettlebell another)?
    Thanks in advance for the help!

    Actually switching things up often is best that way your body does not get used to any one. That being said you don't have to switch up every day but it is suggested to change things up every 4-6 weeks. So you don't have to fit them all into one week do 2 or 3 types each week for 4 weeks then change it up and do 2-3 different workouts for the next 4 weeks and so on. This way you won't get bored or overwhelmed and it will keep your body guessing.
  • calabrdm
    calabrdm Posts: 303 Member
    Do bootcam now and weh the weather starts getting cold. Stay inside and do turbo jam. I love... love... love turbo jam. I think just the opposite. I think varation is the key to your body changing. I have done P90x from beach body too and that is the key idea... change it up so your muscles get confused. Good luck.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I would cycle them around .. maybe not every week but every once in a while. That way you have something new(er) too look forward to once the routine starts to get old.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Looks like I am the only one going for the other way... do something different everyday ! In my own experience in losing my weight I did a different workout or sport everyday and I lost consistently . for example mondays through fri I would do a 30 min kettlebell workout - its different everyday, then i do some sort of different cardio like biking, swimming, hockey, volleyball, soccer or running. I have found that I am still sore everyday so i know im still getting a good workout from it. However, this is my experience and I am sure whatever you choose will work for you! Great job on trying new things though!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I get bored really easily so I scramble my workouts up all the time. As HISstrength said, I think as long as you workout regularly and consistently, that's the main thing.

    BTW, I got some books on designing your own KB routine. Fun fun!