Carb Goal

Currently, I need to lose about 150 lbs. I'm doing as much keto as I can, but I need to find out what an appropriate carb (grams) goal is? I don't think it's ultra realistic, at first, to be 20 g or below, but what are the parameters where one can be in ketosis as far as range of carbs eaten per day?

Thank you!


  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,280 Member
    KETO and limiting carbs is no guarantee of losing fat in fact it can backfire later when you raise carbs back up again.

    Eat in a way that is sustainable and don’t chase some eating program that puts unsustainable rules on it. If you like KETO and want to stay with it then that’s ok.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,321 Member
    KETO is cool but when I did it, I found for me it's not something I could do long term and it backfired on me when I started eating carbs again.

    Currently I eat a balanced diet and focus on zero ultra processed foods and zero alcohol.

    If you gave it a week, I bet, you would feel like a new man again. :)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 10,017 Member
    Why do you think you need to do keto? Is this an eating lifestyle that you enjoy? How do you think you'll eat once you've lost your weight?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,332 Member
    When people go on a journey (research) to figure out their health problems, obesity being one of those health issues, most of the time that rabbit hole will lead them to low carb/keto by default and resolving those health issues is almost a given and so much so it's the basis of which almost all lifestyle clinics use for their dietary intervention to lose weight, reverse diabetes and other associated issues like Insulin resistance and prediabetes, fixing dyslipidemia which is about lowering trigs and raising HDL, PCOS, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, IBS and gut issues and arthritis.

    If doing keto is just a whim based on it's popularity over the last 5 years or so and your just looking to lose weight and maybe try and get healthier then it's probably going to be about as effective as counting calories or doing weight watchers, which don't work over 90% of the time. I would suggest to you, not to do keto but to try and slowly try to initiate an intervention where you replace some of the processed foods your consuming with real whole food. Over time this will effect your satiety and other hormones that will make it easier to lose weight and the Mediterranean Diet, or there about would be something I would try and get behind. Also try if you can to reduce the products with the most added sugar and try not to drink your calories.

    If you decide to continue and try keto then here is a site with recipes because if your not aware almost all your food intake will now need to be made in your kitchen, not sure you were aware of that, but very true. Here's a link to some recipes. good luck.

    About 1300 keto recipes.