i love you but stop buying me candy!



  • jeweljade
    jeweljade Posts: 93
    I know EXACTLY how you feel. Before my hubby and I got married, he would go out and buy an extra large special dark candy bar, dark chocolate Hershey's kisses bag and etc. Then if he took me out to eat he would want to buy me a milkshake or frapp of some sort for dessert. He graduated from school one semester before me so I was on my own that last semester as far as food was concerned and I dropped about 20 lbs in time for the wedding. When I told him after we got married that I wanted to get the weight off he became very supportive and bought me things that were not candy related for Valentine's day. I think sometimes guys are trying to show affection and just how much they love us but don't always know how to do it in a way that would be helpful. Like your boyfriend probably wants to give you candy to show he loves you, and probably thinks that he is complementing you on your appearance by giving you candy as if you are not concerned with your weight. Try channeling the affection he is showing towards you not by telling him that you don't want the candy, but by suggesting other things that you love at various times. If you pass some flowers, tell him how much you love flowers. If you love jewelry, tell him how much you love something that you saw. And then if he gives you candy now and then, thank him but don't make quite as big a deal of it as you would if you got flowers. That way he might start trying to lean towards the things that you make a really big deal of. I dunno just a thought. Good luck to you and you sweetheart! :smile:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Tell him you'd rather have flowers instead of candy. If that doesn't work you can always take the candy with you to your workplace and make your co-workers happy lol

    I almost wish I had this problem with my fiance... he just insists on sharing all his bad foods with me :laugh:
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Take it from me, ladies, stop with the hints! Men do not get hints, or if they do, the hint given involves a frying pan to the head. I tell my wife this all the time, but she still hasn't gotten the hint :smile: Tell him the things that you would like him to give you. You must tell him and then tell him again. When he does get you these things, fawn over it like it is the best thing ever. Do not ever give fake enthusiasm for something that you don't like / want, because he will not get it, will think you really do like it, and will just buy you more (another very not nice lesson learned).
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Take it from me, ladies, stop with the hints! Men do not get hints, or if they do, the hint given involves a frying pan to the head. I tell my wife this all the time, but she still hasn't gotten the hint :smile: Tell him the things that you would like him to give you. You must tell him and then tell him again. When he does get you these things, fawn over it like it is the best thing ever. Do not ever give fake enthusiasm for something that you don't like / want, because he will not get it, will think you really do like it, and will just buy you more (another very not nice lesson learned).

    My man says the same ... "If you want me to get the hint, write it down on a stone and hit me with it ... maybe I will remember then. If not, hit me harder!" LOL