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Serving size


It would be great if the app could calculate automatically the serving size when i create a recipe. So I would just add the mesuared row ingredients and the app would tell me the serving size (would be great to have the option like 1 gramm,100gramm,etc). I don't mind to weight the hole food at the end if it Helps the calculation. Thank you
1 votes

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,197 Member
    I'm not sure how the app would guess how much I want to eat of a recipe? Realistically, sometimes I eat more of any given thing, sometimes less.

    Here's what I do, and it may work for you since you say you're willing to weigh the finished whole food:

    I weigh the finished, cooked food, in grams. When I create the recipe, I put that number of grams in the number of servings. (MFP will give a message, I don't remember the exact wording, but it's some kind of "are you sure you mean that?" thing when I put in something like 1156 servings. :D But if I say I want to keep going, it will add it that way.

    Then, when I eat some of the recipe, I weigh my desired portion in grams, and log it as that number of servings.

    That works well for me.