sportline heart/calorie monitor

I just bought a Sportline calorie/heart monitor yesterday, just to see how it worked. I tried out this morning while doing my Insanity workout, and after 25 min of intense calisthenics, it said I only burned 217 calories w/ a max heartrate of 130. (i'm 33 yrs old). Insanity is a very intense workout so I cannot imagine that I only burned that much....


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    my wife has a Polar HRM and in 60 min of very intense spin class he only burns 5-600 cals in an hour.

    I think your cal burn is related to your heart rate not getting above 130. So based on your HR being that I would say its accurate
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I hate to tell you this after you already bought it but they stink! I had a Sportline 915 and it wouldn't take readings when I wanted it to and would take readings when I wasn't even wearing it. Return it!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I don't know that HRM but I have the Polar F6 and am so surprised at the low calorie burn after 30-60 minutes of SWEATING and working hard and fast! I find some of the numbers on MFP astonishingly high by comparison! Even my Zumba class (60 minutes) I only burn 400-425 calories! Other people say they burn up to double that!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I don't know that HRM but I have the Polar F6 and am so surprised at the low calorie burn after 30-60 minutes of SWEATING and working hard and fast! I find some of the numbers on MFP astonishingly high by comparison! Even my Zumba class (60 minutes) I only burn 400-425 calories! Other people say they burn up to double that!

    it really depends on how high you can push yourself to get your HR up, my wife was having problems where in spin class she was only burning 300-400 cals, but her HR wouldnt get near 140, now focusing our instructor showed her how to push it harder and she got her HR up to 165 last class and burned tons more calories. So if its a cheap HRM and not getting accurate number, but if that is what your HR was, then again, i would say that is about right, women also burn less cals than guys do, so it might be just lower