fitbit accuracy: is it possible to walk 10 miles a day?

I'm a freshman in college and I've been wearing my fitbit one every day this week. I have logged about 10 miles a day and over 65 flights of stairs, since my campus is very hilly and there is quite a walk from the dorms to the cafeteria and all the class buildings. I know i'm not physically taking 65+ flights of stairs, the fitbit is just counting the altitude as 65+ flights worth. but is it possible that i am actually walking around 10 miles every day, and am i burning the calories for those miles? i am also eating around 1800-2100 calories a day but netting only about 1100-1200 daily because of the 10 miles of calories burned.


  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    You could be walking that much.

    What you should do is walk a known distance and compare. I'm sure your school has a track, four laps is one mile.

    If your fitbit is off, you can measure your stride and enter it on the website. ( under settings you can enter stride length and running stride length, you can google for instructions on how to measure).

    My fitbit underestimates distance. I haven't measured my stride length because a slight underestimate doesn't bother me.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I regularly walk between 8&9 miles each day. Ten is completely possible, but check it on a track if your not sure.