New and Looking for Buddies

Hello All!

I am 21 and was diagnosed with Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism about three months ago. Since I've been on the medication I've gained 26 lbs (130 to 156 at 5'4" YIKES). I'm going to have RAI within the next two months and from researching and talking to my doctors it sounds like weight loss isn't going to be easy on synthroid. I exercise 5 times a week and am trying to maintain a healthy diet. What I could really use is someone to share my frustrations and (hopefully) success with who is going through the same ordeal. Even if weight loss isn't in my immediate future I'd sure like to keep up with healthy habits so that its easier when my hormone levels sort out in a year (says my endo). Anyone up for it? I could really use some buddies to hold me to my goals.

