Calling all 5'3", 20 something, w/ the last 2-5lbs to lose!

What's your current weight? goal weight? What are your macros set as? And what are you aiming for? How many calories a day? Do you lift? What's your game plan!? Give me some tips!!!


  • hazellac
    hazellac Posts: 90 Member
    I'm 29, 5'3, currently 112lb and hoping to lose another 10 - 11lb. My main aim is to lose weight and tone, build a small amount of muscle.

    I'm pretty new to all this healthy eating and exercise so for now I'm just doing 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30 and have started running when possible (I have a toddler so not much free time).

    For now I'm just sticking with this until I get to a weight I'm happy - hoping I'll end up more toned too. I may start doing some lifting but first of all I just want to improve my fitness levels.

    I want to do Race For Life next year and at some point I'd love to take on Tough Mudder and possibly other events too :smile:

    Oh my daily calories are set at 1,380 - obviously increasing when I exercise.
  • Joebob8
    Joebob8 Posts: 69 Member
    5'3, 123 lbs, I want to go down to 118 and then we shall see. I always thought i wanted to be 110 but then i started liftin and a 4 pound weight loss looked like 10 pounds and I realized I'm closer to my goal than I think. Daily calories cycle in a range of 1250-1700 depending on exercise, appetite, going out, etc. Evens out to around 1450

    I am not strict with macros but fare better when protein is higher and carbs lower. I'm a clean eater so it's pretty natural to me,my problem is mainly portion size and sweets

    I lift 2x a week + running a few times a week and/or boot camp, hiit, etc classes. I'm going to bump lifting to 3x a week. I haven't exercised almost at all for the past 9 days due to holidays etc., indulgeda bit too much and I feel totally blegh and bloated!
  • Joebob8
    Joebob8 Posts: 69 Member
    5'3, 123 lbs, I want to go down to 118 and then we shall see. I always thought i wanted to be 110 but then i started lifting and a 4 pound weight loss looked like 10 pounds and I realized I'm closer to my goal than I think. Daily calories cycle in a range of 1250-1700 depending on exercise, appetite, going out, etc. Evens out to around 1450

    I am not strict with macros but fare better when protein is higher and carbs lower. I'm a clean eater so it's pretty natural to me,my problem is mainly portion size and sweets

    I lift 2x a week + running a few times a week and/or boot camp, hiit, etc classes. I'm going to bump lifting to 3x a week. I haven't exercised almost at all for the past 9 days due to holidays etc., indulgeda bit too much and I feel totally blegh and bloated!