Reasons for losing weight



  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    I totally hear you. I really really do. The hard part is while not all men are obsessed with the outside, we have been trained to think they are. We see it on tv. We hear it from our mothers (some of us) and I don't know about you but sure as heck from the kids at school in a time when you are most sensative about these things and developing your sense of self, and blossoming. Not all men who ARE obsessed with the outside LOL are looking for someone super small. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and there is someone for everyone, but when you have been programmed to believe the opposite... your self esteem hits so low it is hard to realize there are probley nice men looking at you.

    Your pic is really pretty. I bet there are nice men who think you are too...and are afraid to approach you.

    I have made a lot of male friends. I will tell you some things that some men have honestly told me.

    Direct quotes! My coworker- "straight men (we were chatting about dates with our gay friend) do not care if a woman is big or small, black or white, short or tall...they care if she is a woman XD there is just something awesome about everyone of them."

    My friend "I need a woman about twice my age, half my height, and 3 times my body weight...oh and a brunette would be really nice"

    At 327lbs I had a friend make me promise not to tell her husband she blabbed. He is a body builder who evidentally :) thinks I am really pretty.

    There is someone out there for you. Someone awesome. Someone who will make you happy and feel really loved but the ugly truth have to love yourself first.

    The best advice I EVER got :) is "honey it is 20% what you got and 70% what you make them THINK you got, walk with confidence!"

    Don't lose hope :)
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Sounds like you need a confidence boost. Take time to focus on yourself and become happy with who you are and where you are in your life at the moment. It will come. So much of our self worth is based on our physical appearance and subsequently what others think of us. If you stick your head up and push your shoulders back and walk around like you own the place people will believe it. Maybe inside you are terrified but people will believe it if you put it out there.

    I do agree though with your comments about feeling like you have to say you are doing this for health, to set a good example, etc. I find when I do it for those reasons I fall off the wagon. If I have what would probably be considered a shallow goal then I do well. The first time I did it to look good for a highschool reunion which I ended up not attending. This time it is to look good in a skating dress and be light enough for someone to lift me in said skating dress. :)

    You can do this and in the process you will feel better about yourself and the right guy will come along when you are ready.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    I need to lose weight in order to be elgible for a kidney transplant. I went to the doctor in August who told me if I show weight loss in three months, I would be taken off the list for a kidney. That really put my butt in gear.

    I would also like to be lose weight to be more attractive. I never really thought I was the kind of person who attracted any attention when I was thinner, but now I wish I had been more appreciative of what I had.
  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member
    I understand where you're coming from. I've been thick and thin and being thin definitely garnered the most attention from everyone. Not just guys. I'm job searching and I recently didn't get a job I really wanted and was entirely qualified for. I met the girl who got the job instead of me, and she was a thinner less experienced copy of me. I mean same height, eye color, hair color, skin tone, even the same style of make up and clothes. She only got the job cause she was thinner than me. (And yes I know this is true, because I have a friend working there that gives me the inside scoop.)

    I'm over it now, but Im learning to play the game. I just have to stay fit in order to be employed :P Thankfully my husband loves me even though I'm fat. :D
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