Exercise routine challenges

Nomitron Posts: 11 Member
edited February 3 in Motivation and Support
Hey Everyone,

I want to start a group that is willing to swap and try exercise routines, anything from cardio to strength training work outs. I know that sometimes it can be a bit challenging to find inspiration for a new routine so I thought why not share your all time favorite workout and learn some new ones on the way!

Log your work out as follows:
Workout Name:
Workout Focus: (i.e. Abs and Butt)
Workout Time: xyz minutes Approx
Workout Difficulty: (i.e. couch potato, regular exerciser, gym junkie!)

(then put in the routine)

If we can all try a new workout each week and give feedback on it that would be fantastic!


  • Nomitron
    Nomitron Posts: 11 Member
    #All exercises not explained can be found online for examples.

    Workout Name: Abs Tobata
    Workout Focus: Abs
    Workout Time: 15 minutes Approx
    Workout Difficulty: pretty regular exerciser

    (Tobata works where you do 1 minute of each exercise in the routine with a 30 second break between each exercise; the break down of which is 20 seconds on, 10sec off, 20sec on, 10sec off, 20sec on and 30 second break, Next Exercise)

    1. Standard Sit Ups
    2. Standard Crunches
    3. Heel Taps (feet together 10cms from butt, keep back on ground and tap left heel then right alternatively)
    4. Leg Levers
    5. Planks/hovers
    6. Superman Planks (planking position, raise left leg and right arm parallel to ground hold then alternate)
    7. Bicycle
    8. Back Extensions (laying on ground, fingertips to temples, toes pointed, raise chest off ground, lower, repeat)
    9. Spiderman planks (planking position, bring right knee up to outside of right elbow, return and alternate)
    10. Russian Twists

    Finished :happy:
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