Harris-Benedict Equation

Based on H-B Equation I should be consuming 2700 cal/day to maintain weight. With exercise this goes up to 3300 cal/day. If I eat 500 calories less/day then in 7-10 days I should be @ 1 lb lighther. So then, why is it not helpful to eat 1500 calories less per day? My exercise routine is P90X/Insanity hybrid. Thanks in advance.


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Ask yourself the question - without exercise, why do I burn 2700 calories a day? Why do I need to eat so many calories?

    Answer - Bodily functions. Cell replacement, keeping your organs functioning, keeping your body warm, keeping your skin healthy and your hair intact. Having energy!

    Your body can handle a 500 calories deficit, or even a 20% cut from that 3300, which is 660. Even at this deficit, some people might feel cold - it's your body "shutting down" non-essential functions, and keeping us warm takes a lot of energy.

    If you cut out even more, it'll become more of a problem, maybe not at first, because the body has plenty of energy reserves, but eventually the fatigue will settle in, and then your skin may feel dry, and your hair may become brittle. Your body will shift from keeping you happy and focus on keeping you alive. It's not a very pleasant feeling.