How to stop eating and loose weight!!

This is my first week and I've kept on track with my eating a couple of those days. But I have gone over my calories. How do you do it?! How do you maintain your goal? How do you stay within your calories?


  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    calorie counting isnt so much about not eating, its about finding food that are filling and lower in calories then what you normally eat. Without being able to see your food diary, its hard to help you find better choices. For me it was about ditching 1 of the 2 fast food stops a day and eventually it turned into no fast food stops a day. Then i began to slowly tweak my lunches and breakfast. Now I a finally onto dinner changes. Its a slow process and is better when done in steps. Just take it slow and make small changes that form into habits, you will get there.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Good advice Peanut - that's similar to my system

    I just started logging initially then started tweaking. I made no change the first day - and didn't plan to the second day but that's when I started adjusting things.

    I was struggling with hunger. I'm used to eating until very full (my full meter is busted so to say). So to feel satisfied and not miserable I had to find ways to feel fuller. Initially I upped proteins, then fiber and that was my magic formula for a good while. I was running around 1200-1300 calories like that comfortably. My fiber was from flax meal, lentils, fiber one bars, high fiber wraps (ole or aldi's fit and active), fruits/veggies. Whole grain foods don't provide nearly the fiber for the calorie that I needed. Proteins - lean meats (I'm not fat phobic - if I spot a bite of fat on my meat I'm a happy girl), protein powder in my coffee (think latte), lentils and other beans. I finally hit full. Then my schedule fell off the cliff.

    I was about to throw it in - give it up completely. I was on here and honest that I was on the verge of letting go of all this. My schedule was winning. Then friends chimed in with compromises. I went to maintenance calories to maintain what I had achieved (even though it was only 14 pounds lost - I managed to gain less than a pound during this time).

    Now I'm ready to start adjusting back down some. Probably start that today.

    It sounds to me like you are just not satisfied with your food. Open your diary and we'll help you find some more ideas.
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    What is your calorie goal? If it's not too low for you, you need to experiment to find different foods that fit your macros and calorie goals better.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    This is my first week and I've kept on track with my eating a couple of those days. But I have gone over my calories. How do you do it?! How do you maintain your goal? How do you stay within your calories?

    start slow and you'll see that little things make a difference. Use mustard instead of may. Have your sandwich with no cheese. Leave the butter off your vegetables. Change your salad dressing- and measure it!

    Once you see those things making a difference, you can move on to bigger things. Lower fat hamburger. Grilling istead of frying.

    Progress is addictive - once you get a little you'll want to figure out how to do more!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    This is my first week and I've kept on track with my eating a couple of those days. But I have gone over my calories. How do you do it?! How do you maintain your goal? How do you stay within your calories?

    According to your profile, you are wanting to lose 10 pounds.

    Take it slow and set a reasonable goal, such as losing .5 pound per week. If you have it set to lose 1 or 2 pounds, MFP is going to give a low calorie goal for each day.