Question about Aspartame



  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Yes aspartame is devil as well as other sweeteners. It doesn't have calories and won't make you gain a bunch of weight but it will give you some cancer. Drink lots of water, just chug it in the morning and keep drinking all day long. You will get used to it and it will get easier. After a couple months your body will lose its dependence for the sweetened taste.

    Would you please site your scientific, peer reviewed studies that back up that claim?

    I can go through my research papers and give you my citations. They are mostly through Pubmed via USF in my graduate studies. Multiple from the US and UK.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Yes aspartame is devil as well as other sweeteners. It doesn't have calories and won't make you gain a bunch of weight but it will give you some cancer. Drink lots of water, just chug it in the morning and keep drinking all day long. You will get used to it and it will get easier. After a couple months your body will lose its dependence for the sweetened taste.

    Would you please site your scientific, peer reviewed studies that back up that claim?

    I can go through my research papers and give you my citations. They are mostly through Pubmed via USF in my graduate studies. Multiple from the US and UK.

    And I bet I can counter that with just as many studies showing it doesn't cause cancer. What a conundrum.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Yes aspartame is devil as well as other sweeteners. It doesn't have calories and won't make you gain a bunch of weight but it will give you some cancer. Drink lots of water, just chug it in the morning and keep drinking all day long. You will get used to it and it will get easier. After a couple months your body will lose its dependence for the sweetened taste.

    Would you please site your scientific, peer reviewed studies that back up that claim?

    I can go through my research papers and give you my citations. They are mostly through Pubmed via USF in my graduate studies. Multiple from the US and UK.

    Don't talk about it, be about it. We'll wait.
  • kellyo1026
    Thanks, for all the suggestions. I am not going to give up my one soda a day and I probably will not totally give up Crystal Light. I am however going to try your suggestions of adding fruit and flavors to my water and cut back on my Crystal Light. Thanks again!
  • kellyo1026
    We are all different and as such have different tastes, and what may be likeable to you may not be to the next person. To me it does have a taste and it is a taste I do not like! Thanks for the suggestion though.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just drink water. If you don't like the taste of your water, get a filter of some kind.
  • LivingHealthyLove
    I'm sorry, but you have to get over it. You must drink straight water daily to nourish your body. All of this crystal light and diet soda is doing more harm than you think. Honestly, anything that is processed will harm the body. Conventional doctors don't usually care about your overall well being. They just want to make sure you don't drop before you are 50 years old (some don't even care). After that, it's your problem. If you want to not only lose weight but feel good, have energy, feel younger and live longer you need to drink straight water with every meal. No diet soda during dinner and no crystal light in your water.

    To address the topic of aspartame, don't listen to the people who say it's not bad for you. Hell yes, it is bad for you in any quantity. How much you drink will just slow down or speed up the process. Aspartame, like MSG (everyone is afraid of MSG but not aspartame I see), is an exotoxin. Exotoxins cause degenerative effects on the brain and nervous system. It's effects are cumulative. You may feel fine at first, but will then notice neurological issues such as headaches, brain fog and early signs of dementia. Do you really want to suffer through that (if you aren't already) just because you don't like the taste of water? To satisfy your cravings for soft drinks, simply take seltzer water and tablespoons of some unsweetened cranberry juice and walah! You have a very tasty and satisfying fizzy beverage.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'm sorry, but you have to get over it. You must drink straight water daily to nourish your body. All of this crystal light and diet soda is doing more harm than you think. Honestly, anything that is processed will harm the body. Conventional doctors don't usually care about your overall well being. They just want to make sure you don't drop before you are 50 years old (some don't even care). After that, it's your problem. If you want to not only lose weight but feel good, have energy, feel younger and live longer you need to drink straight water with every meal. No diet soda during dinner and no crystal light in your water.

    To address the topic of aspartame, don't listen to the people who say it's not bad for you. Hell yes, it is bad for you in any quantity. How much you drink will just slow down or speed up the process. Aspartame, like MSG (everyone is afraid of MSG but not aspartame I see), is an exotoxin. Exotoxins cause degenerative effects on the brain and nervous system. It's effects are cumulative. You may feel fine at first, but will then notice neurological issues such as headaches, brain fog and early signs of dementia. Do you really want to suffer through that (if you aren't already) just because you don't like the taste of water? To satisfy your cravings for soft drinks, simply take seltzer water and tablespoons of some unsweetened cranberry juice and walah! You have a very tasty and satisfying fizzy beverage.

    You know how sometimes you can look at someone's name and guess what kind of post they're going to make.

    This was one of those times.