Another one with headaches

Hi all!
So I am about 1 week in and am losing, so I am happy about that. What I am not loving is the headache I have had for the entire week. My water intake is not an issue. I have another underlying kidney condition that I have always been very good about drinking plenty of water. I also have not altered my caffeine intake.
I am guessing it might just be withdrawal from the junk food. Due to the kidney coordination, I am not supposed to take ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Any tips on treating these headaches or any idea on how long it might take to get past this stage?
Thank you!


  • poodle_whisper
    poodle_whisper Posts: 28 Member
    some pickles or a swig of pickle juice (as long as your renal diet allows salt). anything pickled really. you can also sprinkle so me salt in water and drink that if you think you can stomach it.
  • crystalme1
    crystalme1 Posts: 11 Member
    You could try deep breathing, resting, certain tea might be helpful.
  • ronna74
    ronna74 Posts: 2 Member
    I will have to try the pickle option. Thanks!

    For the tea, are you meaning an herbal tea or caffeinated?