I don’t know where to start!?

I’m a 28 year old woman who used to be very slim and fairly active, I’m now classed as morbidly obese and need to lose at least 8 stone.

My issue is time and energy. Most days I have zero energy, I get up, I have a coffee, go to work, sometimes have lunch which will be a store bought sandwich and some crisps with a lot of fizzy drinks, pick the kids up, usually order take away because I’m so exhausted and it’s six pm at this point and then I end up falling asleep and the cycle continues. I’m well aware that this isn’t great for my children’s nutrition either, people say to batch cook but I don’t really understand how I would do that when we’re a family of five.

Does anyone have any advice at all?


  • holgate2001
    holgate2001 Posts: 5 Member

    It sounds like you’ve got it pretty tough and trying to navigate bettering your health alongside work/family life feels impossible.

    I’d love to offer you some advice, even if it’s just where to start.

    What do you feel like you struggle with the most at the moment?
  • totameafox
    totameafox Posts: 6 Member
    Start with little shifts at a time. Like cut out drinks that have calories. go for plain or flavored water. Once you get use to that change out something else for a healthier version. Preplan meals. Making meals for 5 for a week might be a stretch but if your family doesn't mind eating the same thing two days in a row.. then double what you would make and set half aside before the family eats. But you should also learn what the calorie needs of your children are for them to grow healthy as well.

    Small steps. you don't have to solve the problem in one day.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,395 Member
    The most annoying part about healthy eating and weight loss, is that you end up getting more energy doing it, so you just have to push through that initial stages. Honestly, it doesn't sound like your fuelling your body kindly or efficiently, and that's going to be tanking your energy levels. Sugar might keep you going for a short burst, but it will burn out quickly and leave you flat.

    Batch cooking - google is your friend! There are SO many posts and blogs with oodles of recipes and suggestions for batch cooking, meal prepping, and cooking efficiently and simply for families, look for ones published in your country or area for ideas that are relevant to what you have available locally.

  • trainingbytrish
    trainingbytrish Posts: 5 Member
    What’s one thing that you feel can be improved this week? If not every day then how many times this week feels doable and like a “win” for you and the kids?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,747 Member
    Getting started is sometimes the hardest step! But you're here, so you're already making forward steps.

    I'd definitely start with small changes, as already suggested, both for yourself and your children. Setting a good example and teaching them how to eat healthy is our responsibility as a parent.

    I'm not sure how old your children are, but I'd also get them involved in the process: finding out what they are willing to eat, encourage them to try new things, drink water instead of soda (most of the time), etc. Make it a family project so that the full burden isn't on you.

    Once you make a few small changes, be patient. Eventually you'll start feeling better and have more energy. It's worth the effort!
  • SquinnyDaPooh
    SquinnyDaPooh Posts: 4 Member
    This isn’t advice as I’m in such a similar situation to you but just here for moral support! Good luck in reaching your goals ✨