Loose belly skin

Happy new year everyone! Today I weighed in at 132 lbs- bringing me to a total weight loss of 168 lbs. it has been a long 10 yr journey. I’ve also had 3 children ( 3 yrs ago most recent) obviously I have loose belly skin, and I’m looking for pointers on tightening this area. HELP ME!!


  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,835 Member
    Wow, congratulations on such an accomplishment!

    Honestly, with that much loose skin, you probably would need to consult with a plastic surgeon to make it go away. Building muscle will help somewhat, but this is a job for the doctor. Good luck!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,395 Member
    edited 4:25AM
    Sadly, the thing that improves loose skin is time (or, as noted, surgery), and anything claiming to do it faster is dubious at best. Collagen supplements are sometimes recommended, anything expensive and making big claims is full of crap, and exercised don't help skin elasticity or rebound.
  • RuatyShackelford
    RuatyShackelford Posts: 6 Member
    First of all, congrats on that impressive weight loss. That is inspiring!

    I second the idea of seeing a plastic surgeon to remove that skin.