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Tracking for gut health

Your gut health plan recommends to aim to consume at least 30 different kinds of fruits and veggies a week. It would be fantastic to have a weekly summary of how many different plants I’ve consumed, and suggestions on what other kinds to include if falling short of the goal.
When I complete a day or a week,
I’d like the app to tell me how many different plants I’ve consumed
So that I can achieve my goal of eating a varied diet for gut health
1 votes

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,158 Member
    I'm not disputing that this would be useful, but it would be difficult for MFP to do this accurately.

    For example, my oatmeal today included frozen mixed berries. Nothing about the name of the food says how many different berries. I'm eating some frozen meals as an effort-saver right now because I'm recovering from an injury. The "Baked Bean and Red Lentil Bowl" I had for lunch has . . . how many plants? (12, if one includes herbs/spices, as some counting methods do; otherwise 7. MFP wouldn't know that. They don't get the food data directly from manufacturers. All I can see on the label is the ingredient list, so if I need a certain minimum amount of a plant to count it, I can't figure that out from the ingredients list.)

    Like I said, I see how this would be a handy feature for people who are trying to increase their plant count. I'm just saying it would be approximate. Some AI methods might be more accurate than other approaches, but I'm reasonably convinced that even those would do some guessing. FWIW, I counted a week of my eating to see where I stood, just out of curiosity, and I had some difficulty counting semi-accurately, even with all of the food ingredient labels and such right at hand.