Bar Code Scanner and IPhone 16 Pro

I just purchased an IPhone 16. I have the premium subscription to MFP. The bar code scanner will not focus, and I am unable to scan barcodes. I saw some posts saying this was an issue with IPhone 15 last year. Can anyone confirm whether or not MFP fixed this? I've been talking with support, but sadly, they have proven pretty useless. I just renewed my subscription and ONLY because I wanted to use the bar code scanner.


  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I’m only responding from the point of view as an iPhone 16 pro user: I’ve found that focusing in and out on the barcodes usually works. There are some it won’t scan, but once I get the right height / focus it then seems to work for most codes. Sadly I suspect this isn’t an MFP issue, but the tech behind the camera app on the enhanced iPhone lens which is causing issues. The whizzy AI which gives such zoom-ability and clarity doesn’t work well with bar codes (I’ve also had issues at times with QR codes).