Strength goals and weight gain



  • MWShep
    MWShep Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you for the replies, still using the 531 formula but as an experiment of one, I have altered it slightly so the main lifts are repeated every 3-4 days, guess that doesn't make 531 anymore but we will see.

    I'm liking the Greyskull method and may change to this depending how it goes my experiment goes.

    Cutting down on the running and will very slowly increase calories every 2 weeks.
  • StrictlyPro
    Thank you for the replies, still using the 531 formula but as an experiment of one, I have altered it slightly so the main lifts are repeated every 3-4 days, guess that doesn't make 531 anymore but we will see.

    I'm liking the Greyskull method and may change to this depending how it goes my experiment goes.

    Cutting down on the running and will very slowly increase calories every 2 weeks.

    What method you should use depends on where you are currently and whether or not you care about making the strength gains as fast as possible or not. If you want the fastest possible, then use a routine tailored to your current strength levels. If you don't care about fastest progress, then something slower but still progressive like 5/3/1 is fine. Technically 5/3/1 would be considered to be for advanced lifters who can not progress any faster than that because they are already so strong, but that doesn't mean a novice level lifter can't use it.