Big Lunch ideas

Hey. I'm wanting ideas on what I can eat for lunch sometimes when I have big work days. For instance today I have to leave for work at 12 and I won't finish till about 8.30. So I need to eat something before I leave that will keep me full until I finish and is healthy. I do filming so I may only get a quick 5 min break so not really enough time to eat properly.

This has always been my problem is that I go really well for a few days but then something comes up and I'm worried I will feel sick with hunger (or one case I actually fainted while filming, but that was also due to not having enough water on the day), so I over eat and in most cases the bad food choices to prevent that happening to me, which I know is silly coz I can make better food choices instead.

So just looking for some ideas on what I can eat.
Thanks :)


  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    On the meal, I'd recommend slow carbs/low glycemic w/protein, so it'll digest slower & keep you feeling fuller longer. Fruits/veggies(non-starchy) cooked w/healthy oils, reduced fat dairy, lean meats, fish, nuts, beans, whole grains, pastas.

    Now, where in the world do you work that they make you work 8 1/2 hrs without a break. Most states require a 30 min break working those kind of hours. I'd try to negotiate at least for even a 15 min break, so you have time to grab a quick snack. Maybe w/the angle that you'll be much more efficient if you can get some calories for energy in you. Try & have a quick snack you can eat, if they approve that w/the slow carbs w/protein.

    If they won't give you a break, you said they let you have water (gee how kind of them), could you bring in other things to drink, like milk, smoothies, & juices? Avoid sodas, too much coffee, and caffeine. Even being able to drink reduced fat/skim milk would really help a lot.