Another 30 Day Shred Thread....

I am starting 30 Day Shred again today after work. I decided to start a new thread for anyone who is looking for a thread to join or anyone who isn't quite sure if they want to buy the DVD can follow along with my progress before making that decision.

I will post everyday (or at least try to post everyday) about how the workout made me feel, what parts of it were difficult, what parts seem to be getting easier, or how angry I am with Jillian lol

My plan is to stay on each level for 10 days before moving to the next level (unless my body tells me it needs more or less time on that level) After the completion of each level I will post measurements and weight loss along with some pictures! I have already taken day 1 pictures but will not post them until I have reached day 10.

So if you are looking for a thread to join, want to try a great kick-butt Jillian Michaels workout, or like me have done this workout before but have gotten out of shape again and need Jillians help... feel free to join or check back often!


  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    I looked at this video in a store and saw that it is only a 30 (?) min. workout. It sounds like you have used it before, so i'm wondering about how well it works if its only 30 minutes. Do you do other exercise in addition? Also, is the 30 day shred just a workout, or is it also a food plan?
  • DawnBoersma
    Have you tried this DVD before?

    Do you use the DVD each Day?
  • Jerzeebabie04
    About 2 months ago I did the 30 day shred with a group of people on MFP. A few days into level 3 I ended up hurting my knee which made it difficult to finish the full 30 days, but I think it was the type of floor I was working out on or type of shoes I was wearing at the time.

    The 30 day shred doesn't have a meal plan to follow, but I use MFP for that and I think you could join Jillian Michaels website if you wanted a specific plan. The last time I did this workout I lost a lot of inches from it which made all the difference, my clothes fit better and I felt better in general. The first few days of each level were tough (even for people who said they usually work out a lot) but each level gets easier. It helped me build muscle without looking too bulky and while still losing inches and pounds.

    For the most part I would do the DVD each day and then a few days a week I'd use the elliptical for 30 minutes also or do the DVD twice in 1 day just for more of a workout. If the thread I was apart of is still on here, we all posted our weight loss and measurements after each level, or you can follow along on here to see my progress, but I definitely recommend this DVD.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Count me in Jerzee, I just finished. Are you going to do it every day or take days off? Let me know and we can do it together. One small problem, hurt my knee doing it last Friday and seems to be getting worse, having to baby it while doing all of the jumping stuff. Have you ever had this problem?
  • Jerzeebabie04
    I am planning to do it everyday because that's when I see the best results. My body will tell me if it needs a break, but I'm not planning on doing that. If I do decide to take a break it may be for 1 day after level 1 before starting level 2, but we'll see how my body feels.

    I did hurt my knee during level 3 last time, if you are having this problem then just modify the workouts where you feel it the most to avoid doing further damage. I know during level 1 or 2 some people were having problems with their knees last time, so they would modify the jumping parts but still keep moving!

    Now here it goes... time for me to do Level 1, Day 1 (L1D1)......
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    L1D1 Completed with modifications, post again tomorrow
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Lost the paper with my measurements so I took them again before the workout:
    left arm: 15"
    right arm: 15"
    right thigh 23.5"
    left thigh: 23.5"
    chest: 44.5"
    hips: 46"
    abs: 44"

    Not sure how accurate they are, I'm not very good at taking my measurements, the paper had my measurements that I had a friend take. I normally weigh in on Thursdays but since I started the shred today I also weighed in today at 206.8 and will post my measurements and weight again at the end of level 1

    L1D1 complete.... I must say I'm glad these past 2 months haven't completely put me out of shape, it wasn't nearly as hard this time as it was the very first time I ever did the shred. But I really do hate those bicycle crunches & pushups... I have never been good at doing push-ups.

    I used 3 lb weights today which were too light except for those side lunge shoulder raises, I'm not sure I could have used a heavier weight there! Tomorrow I will try the 5 lb weights.

    Only problem I had with the workout today was during the jump rope part I got cramps in my feet, never had this happen before, but it was only from doing the jump rope.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sorry Jerzee, my hubby said he is hiding my dvd until Monday. I am limping around with my knee and nearly crying when I bend it. I have to wait until Monday to start again :sad: I didn't want it to be this way. I wanted to have the support system. Darn knee get better quick will practice the R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) method until Monday. Sorry Jillian looks like Im banned to light aerobics, treadmill or light walking.:angry:
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Aw well definitely take it easy on that knee so you won't damage it anymore. If it's still hurting in a few days you should see a Dr. I wouldn't exercise until it's feeling better, but you can always do those punches like Jillian says.... it's the best kind of cardio for a lower body injury!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Thanks! I'll look forward to a speedy recovery :glasses:
  • Sloop
    Sloop Posts: 8
    Hi ladies! I just did level one of the Shred today. I'm the biggest I've ever been and I've got to lose about 40 lbs. I'm going to try to do the workout daily. It was pretty difficult today, I'm hoping it gets better tomorrow. Good luck and happy shredding!
  • Sloop
    Sloop Posts: 8
    Hi ladies! I just did level one of the Shred today. I'm the biggest I've ever been and I've got to lose about 40 lbs. I'm going to try to do the workout daily. It was pretty difficult today, I'm hoping it gets better tomorrow. Good luck and happy shredding!
  • Sloop
    Sloop Posts: 8
    Hi ladies! I just did level one of the Shred today. I'm the biggest I've ever been and I've got to lose about 40 lbs. I'm going to try to do the workout daily. It was pretty difficult today, I'm hoping it gets better tomorrow. Good luck and happy shredding!
  • Sloop
    Sloop Posts: 8
    Hi ladies! I just did level one of the Shred today. I'm the biggest I've ever been and I've got to lose about 40 lbs. I'm going to try to do the workout daily. It was pretty difficult today, I'm hoping it gets better tomorrow. Good luck and happy shredding!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Welcome Sloop! I am on Day 2 of the shred... don't worry it will get easier. I thought the same way the first time I ever did the shred. I want to lose about 60 lbs so we can work hard on this journey together!

    Keep shredding!
  • Jerzeebabie04
    L1D2 done.... I stuck with the 3 lb weights today and modified the push-ups a little as well as the jump rope just cause it cramped my feet again. Surprisingly I pushed through the cardio more then ever. I almost didn't workout today because a guy I was talking to really got me down on myself, which is why I'm not talking to him anymore. But when I was upset and angry about something he said I was thinking of not working out, but then I said no I would just be prooving him and people like him right by doing that, so I pushed through it and had more energy in me for it, probably the anger coming out!

    Now I'll think I'll do the elliptical (before my thighs really start to hurt from Jillian kicking my butt!)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread. I'm bumping to follow along. It helps me stay motivated when I check in with other people. I signed onto a 30 day shred thread that started on 7/20 but I haven't been doing it consistently. I DO want to keep the workouts in my rotation, I just need to mix it up with running and zumba so I don't get bored.

    Looking forward to all your success!
  • twojurfin
    twojurfin Posts: 75 Member
    I am also doing the shred. I have started a few times and never really done it consistently. I would like to do it every day. I think checking in would help alot.
  • Sloop
    Sloop Posts: 8
    I'm about to try L1D2, but I'm ridiculously sore today, so we'll see how it goes. I feel like I have to try or I'll never do it again. I'm really motivated to get the weight off. I'm disgusted with myself and just want to lose the weight. Here I go....Keep posting! It motivates me and reminds me that I can do this!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey there, Jerzee, sloop and twojurfin! Anyone shred today? I'm sitting here with my laptop, dvd is fired up, annoying background music is muted out..... and I'm trying to motivate. I'll report back later - when the deed is done.

    BTW - sloop - stick with it! I think it's pretty normal to feel super sore after day 1, even if you're used to exercising, because it tends to be different than your normal routine. I hurt after day 1, needed to wait a couple days, then did another day of it. Then I waited a couple more days, then back at it again. (Doing stuff like zumba, running, etc. in between). It's all about making it work for you. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: