So, I have gout, do you?



  • jar819
    jar819 Posts: 45 Member
    I had my first gout attack in my foot that came on suddenly in the middle of the night and I could not walk. I went to a walk in medical office and had an x-ray, nothing broken. They told me it was probably a sprain, but I didn't remember when it happened. I told my mom about what happened and she said it sounds like gout, you need a blood test to verify. Both my parents have gout as well, so the results came back positive for gout. I was prescribed Allopurinol 100 mg. I have had 3 more attacks since starting the meds and the doctor said that may happen with the start of the Allopurinol. I googled recurrent attacks and learned a great deal about this...the pain and swelling returned and switched from left to right foot. I was in agony and my doctor prescribed Colcrys for the recurrent attacks..if you take this at the first signs of pain before it's a full blown attack it works well. I know some of the posters mentioned that they didn't like meds, probably because of side effects..I understand that, but I needed relief!!

    I love shellfish and meat and I know that these are things that raise your uric acid level. I recently went to a dietitian to assist with a diet plan to lose weight and help me figure out what I can and cannot eat with gout. Many of the posters mentioned kidney problems and gout as closely related. The dietitian said to drink lots of water to help flush the uric acid from your system as well as steer clear of oxalate vegetables: asparagus, dark greens ,cauliflower, mushrooms, lentils and beans..I had no idea that these healthy veggies for some are not recommended for kidney or gout issues. I have watched my dirt closely since diagnosed and I still have had attacks. Each individual is different, so what works for you may not work for someone else. I have been drinking cherry juice diluted in water as it's very tart. My uric acid levels have dropped, but I still am not out of the woods yet! Good luck to my fellow gout sufferers.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    I've had Gout for about 19 years. The way I managed it was taking Allupurinol and Aleve daily. In addition, I quit drinking any alcohol and drink only water. I do fine on medication but the moment I drink a few beers, I get an attack. Hydration helped me too, I drink 1 gallon of water per day to help flush out the uric acid. I minimize any animal protein.
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    I was diagnosed with gout when I was 5 years old, and I rarely eat red meat. My most recent flare up has been going on now for about three months. It finally seems to be lessening, though.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    For me, alcohol, red meat and fish are my triggers. so I avoid those foods or minimize my intake.

    I take a combination of allopurinol and aleve daily (recommended by a doctor) to help manage it.

    I also changed my liquids to strictly water, 128 ounces of it per day to flush out uric acid and prevent crystals from forming. I've read that dehydration contributes to it which is the reason for the gallon per day.
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    I had it on & off for a couple of years. Hurts like nothing I've ever imagined.

    Mine went away after I started having 30ml of cherry juice every morning - i took it for about six months and it seems to have fixed the problem completely - no attacks for 2 years now.
  • RachtheOzkiwi
    RachtheOzkiwi Posts: 28 Member
    I have Gout in both my feet and it hurts like hell but I love pain !

    Your very high protein diet might be part of the issue.

    I went vegan, have not had it for years, in fact all my joints issues have gone away. It much excess protien.
  • bigeasy2134568
    Proper diet and cold therapy are the best forms of treatment. Knowing your UA levels is crucial to defeating your gout. Avoid beer and seafood for a while. You can go back eventually but to get on top of it avoid them all together. Get blood work done, and treat the pain with cold therapy 5-10 times a day or whenever it hurts.