Something embarrassing that has happened?

I can say I've had my fair share of embarrassment considering I'm extremely clumsy. However, today I decided to try on my pair of goal jeans (obviously too small, my friends) just to see how far I was from being able to wear them. As I was pulling them up by the belt loops (which I've told myself a million times to quit doing), I ripped both of the loops and broke the zipper trying to button them.

I keep chuckling because it was stupid of me to try and put them on considering I KNEW they wouldn't fit and wasn't really expecting things to go smoothly, but at the same time I'm still embarrassed, lol.

It hasn't discouraged me but it does make me want to keep going. Has anything happened to you that made you want to disappear in embarrassment, specifically weight related? I feel like a dweeb. A dweeb who needs to find someone to fix my goal jeans or get a new pair, lol.


  • rich2610
    Well, one time I was squatting and before anyone tells me (I KNOW IT WAS REALLY STUPID AND I SHOULD BE PAYING MORE ATTENTION/LEARN PHYSICS) I put the bar back on the squat rack and start taking the weights out.... I took all the weight out from just one side and the bar flew in the air and hit some lady in the back. EMBARRASSING AS HELL AS EVERYONE CAME TO SEE IF SHE WAS ALRIGHT.
  • momiedesigns
    Yes. I went to a work meeting with toilet paper hanging from my pants! I am certain that gaining weight has made this sort of thing