Returnee for second time

Three years ago this backpacker achieved a long trail hike by loosing 60 pounds. Than having done that next two years gain a bunch of weight back. Well now I’m back on the saddle for a second trip but this time I’m loosing 30. I don’t want to yoyo like this. I would like a permanent change even when I’m not doing long trails.


  • dmkoenig
    dmkoenig Posts: 303 Member
    Sounds like you have had some great backpacking adventures! If you are not familiar with rucking, that may be something to consider as a way of maintaining fitness and weight. Check out for more info on rucking, equipment (you can easily use your own backpack), and events. There are lots of clubs and events around the country, Facebook groups, etc. I have a Goruck rucksack and it is very comfortable, built to the 9s.
  • kennyhancock
    kennyhancock Posts: 1 Member
    you can do it Liz