Staring again

I'm Kat. I am doing this for the 3rd time, but I finally think I am in the right frame of mind. I have 30lbs to loose, which feels like a massive task, although I know some of you have achieved much much more. I'm looking forward to lots of support and sharing tips. Lots of love and luck to you all x


  • I think this is the fourth time I've started my weightloss jouney; I almost made it half way to my goal the second time and then I got bored...But I am definetly looking for support and to make friends to go on the journey with - I'm 5'3 and 170pounds.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    good luck. now u are ready u will be fine. i think what is important to not give up even when u have a few bad days. just keep going.