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See ingredients of logged foods

Sometimes i want to log a whole meal, that people generally cook differently
It eould be extremely practical if we can see the ingredients in the meals we log, and change them/change the ingredient quantities. That would be more precise.
1 votes

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  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,597 Member
    I'm not sure what you mean, do you mean the ingredients in the recipes someone else has created? Or going to the food database and searching, say "spaghetti bolognaise" and being able to see the ingredients?

    If the former, people have been asking for the functionality to share recipes for quite some time. If the latter, MFP has no idea what the ingredients are, the food could have been created from a label, or a restaurant menu, or someone might have added it from a recipe, but not actually created the recipe (like they made the recipe from a website that had nutritional info and just created a food with that nutritional info)
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,950 Member
    I'm also not sure what you would like to be able to do.
    But if you want to save combinations of ingredients, you can already do that by saving them as a Meal. You can then log it in your diary at a later date and adjust the amounts of the individual ingredients as needed for that single occasion, or adjust the base meal itself if needed.
    Meals are logged in your diary ad individual ingredients rather than a single line (unlike recipes).