Feeling so depressed after not losing this week.

I just do not understand, the past week I feel like I have eaten healthier and exercised more than I usually would have, normally I just eat things i like within my 1200 calories but the past week I really tried to be healthier, yet today on my weigh day I didn't even shift any part of a pound! I am still 136.6 (height 5''5) Exactly the same as last week.

It just takes the piss as I was looking forward so much to see if I had lost weight, and I just really don't understand...


  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    Check your Macros and don't lose hope. Cheers
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Just don't lose faith! I think everyone who is on the weight loss journey has hit plateaus of one form or another so hang in there!!!
    Keep putting the effort; so focused and motivated and you will be back on the winning side in no time! :drinker:
  • atheneangel
    Thank you for the kind words, I was scared that maybe it was becoming EVEN harder to lose weight, but i'll persist and see what next week brings me
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I lose one week a month at this point, pretty much. It's totally normal.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    some people don't lose for months, get busy with exercise :) and carry on
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Eat more, it will probably help with feeling depressed. At 5'5 136lbs you should be eating more than 1200 calories if you are doing any sort of physical activity.

    You do realize that you're at a healthy weight and that you could probably see the "results" you want with barely eating below your TDEE and by doing resistance training? At this point you would probably benefit more from focusing on composition than what the scale says.

    I am friends with desk job women who are 5'0, 110-125lbs, 20-25% bodyfat, who only workout 3-4 times a week and they are losing at 1600-1800 calories a day. Learn about TDEE and what calorie goal is actually appropriate for your stats and activity level and then eat about 15% less than what it would take to maintain your weight.

    PS I haven't really lost for months, but my logging has been inconsistent (not weighing my food out mostly) so I've only got myself to blame. I've still lost inches (roughly 1" off each thigh, 1/2" off my calves and arms in just the last two months) and all my clothes still fit. The number on the scale can be very misleading.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I haven't lost in almost 8 weeks :huh: Think how I feel!!

    No really, just keep at it, it's only been 7 days & there will be weeks when you don't lose, even gain.
    Even though I haven't lost in 8 wks, I went down a pant size :smokin:
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    This happened to me 2 weeks ago - exactly same right down to the decimal point - was so annoyed!

    I kept at it and lost 2.7 this week, its like both weeks came off in one go. Dont be disheartened, keep doing what your doing
  • atheneangel
    Thanks guys, i feel a bit better now, i wont give up :p
  • CaelynCamille
    I feel the same way! I've eaten healthy foods this week, exercised more, and I didn't lose any weight at all! I don't understand how I didn't lose any weight when I exercise more and eat less than 1200 calories a day! It's depressing. :(
  • SteviMcEwan
    The way I look at it is this: no loss is better than a gain :-) You will probably find that next week you will lose quite a bit. x
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    You are not eating enough. Most days you don't reach 1200 and that number is to low as it is. You don't log your exercises so you obviously are not eating back your calories which means you are technically netting way below 1200. At your age, height and weight that is not something that will take you where you want to get to. You need to reevaluate your caloric and macronutrient needs and target those numbers.

    You don't have a lot of weight to lose so also can't expect the scale to move a pound down every week. At this stage weight loss does start to slow down and you should not force it to be any faster. Eat the proper amounts of food and keep doing the resistance training while being patient.

    I think this is excellent advice. Be good to yourself - if your body thinks that famine is around the corner, it will hold on to the calories. Don't make a diet out of a weight loss program! :happy:
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    I've had weeks in a row where the scale's numbers don't move, then it drops off a cliff. Two weeks ago it went up, this week it went down.

    Stop stressing about one weigh in so much; it's the overall trend you're looking for. A weigh in is a snapshot of ONE point in time and weight can vary 2kg during a single day depending on food, hydration, and a lot of other factors.

    tl;dr: One weigh-in isn't the end of the world.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    From experience I can say it does not work like that. One week you don't lose. One week you gain, then it drops considerably. Eventually eating lower calories always catches up and you do lose.

    ^^ and what the other guy said you are not eating enough at your current weight
  • Brainless64
    Brainless64 Posts: 27 Member
    Your smack bang in the healthy weight range with a BMI of 22.5.

    You seriously do not need to loose much if any weight. If your unhappy with your body as it is, excersise and toning are probably what you need.

    We do have to accept to a certain extent the basic body shape we are given, though, we can only tweak and aim to be a healthy weight. Choosing flattering clothing styles that flatter your assets and mask any areas your unhappy with, this will do wonders for your confidence.

    I'm not even aiming for a BMI as low as yours and will be happy at about 27.5, as when I have been BMI 25 (fitting into size 10 Jeans) I have been too thin in the face and lost loads up top, and still had thunder thighs (just slimmer ones).

    When I got married 4 1/2 years ago I was a standard size 12 in any cut, at a BMI of 28, and felt great.

    Your young and beautiful, and I bet your parents pride and joy. Live your life and enjoy it (I lost my son at only 22 in June), live life to the full, eat healthily, excersise and don't get hung up on weight, just keep a weather eye on it.

    I'd suggest you up your caliorie intake to just 250 less than your estimated needs for maintenance. That's at the half pound a week level, and then only weigh yourself once a month if your sticking to the calories, that way you will see a small reduction (but really you probably don't need to loose any weight).

    Also start using a tape measure, and measure once a month, a far better guide for what shape your body is in. Bet you'll notice with excersise things toning up and reading less inches even if your weight stays the same. Also remember hormones will make your weigh fluctuate through the month.

    JMHO though :)
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Your logging is really good - looks really accurate. Which means perhaps the exercise calories calculated by MFP are less than exact. Are you eating them all back?

    Personally I used the TDEE calcuation - 20% so I don't have to log exercise - this seems to work better for me. You just set your daily activity level and it works out how many calories you burn up each day.

    ALSO you are SO pretty and at 138lbs at 5ft 5 inches you ARE slim! xx
  • igotabulletproofheart
    Have you been drinking enough water?

    Have you hit a plateau?

    Did you exercise before but stop?

    Try staying on your improved diet for another week and see how things go.
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    I know you don't want to hear this but at your height you really don't weigh too much! I would quit worrying about the scale and just work on the fitness aspects if I were in your shoes. Do you take your measurements? How is your endurance and strength? Those are a better assessment of your fitness level.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I usually lose weight every two weeks at this point. It's totally normal to have these stalls. After all, you are depleting the precious source of famine survival food from your body, it's gonna protest a bit.