Hard gaining weight?

You are so lucky, that's what I'm told often when I mention putting on weight is extremely difficult.

I understood how this would feel like a blessing to some people, but to us on the other side of the fence it's a real challenge just as it is for those struggling to lose weight.

Constantly ploughing food into your mouth when you aren't the slightest bit hungry is uncomfortable and sickening. Yet, it's the only way to gain the weight.

I'd like to see a community on here for people who like me are lifting weights and trying to get the weight on but struggle like crazy with it

If anyone knows of a popular community on here for such people please let me know.

Thanks in advance.


  • totameafox
    totameafox Posts: 460 Member
    I can empathize with you. Though I have no problem gaining weight or putting food in my mouth (obviously) I rarely register hunger and sometimes the volume of food makes me dread eating it. However I know this is nothing compared to what you are going through. I am also not someone who will be able to help you long term. I am just here to point you to the
    board. Here people might not only empathize but be in the same boat and have some ideas to share.

    Best of luck!