walking 12,000 steps

Is anybody else walking 10,000+ steps using jawbone up? I've been doing this since June, but it recently came to my attention that for weight loss in the high numbers, and to MAINTAIN it, 12,000 steps is recommended.

Yesterday I made 20,000 steps! Sore and tired today.

I need some new friends who share some of my interests and stats: low carb, natural foods, walking, yoga, trying to lose 100 pounds, and being a super grandma.


  • Hello janeinmia,

    Wow 12,000 steps is quite a challenging target! Last year I was doing 10,000 a day most days and definitely lost weight, I would say trying to do 12000 is pushing it a bit.

    I haven't been quite as dedicated this year though, as I have had a few health issues.

    I just use an ordinary pedometer (Omron) and I find it to be perfect for my needs.

    I've just come onto this site after exploring the 5:2 diet which I'm going to have a go at. I try to eat natural foods too, do pilates, am trying to lose about 8lbs, and like you try my best to be a super grandma!